Green Ribbon Panel unveils new policy recommendations for green economic growth on World Asthma Day

Report reveals significant progress on majority of Panel recommendations, stresses maintaining momentum key to a decarbonized economy (Toronto, Ontario) – On a day dedicated to breathing health, the imperative of getting the clean energy transition right is more apparent than ever. Today, World Asthma Day, the Green Ribbon Panel announced its continued work to advance … Read more

New Green Ribbon Panel report outlines concrete recommendations to tackle climate change and grow the economy

Ontario’s Green Ribbon Panel, consisting of Ontario business, environment, labour and energy sector leaders, released its final report at a Toronto Board of Trade event today. The report, More Clean Power – How Ontario can build a clean economy that works, provides practical and achievable recommendations to guide the province’s path to achieving net zero … Read more

TC Energy’s Proposed Pumped Storage Project

Project Summary: TC Energy is proposing to develop an energy storage facility that would provide 1,000 megawatts of flexible, clean energy to Ontario’s electricity system using a process known as pumped storage. Pumped hydro storage involves pumping water from a low-lying reservoir during periods of low demand for electricity, typically at night, to a higher-elevation … Read more

Reductions in emissions and economic growth can be achieved by leveraging proven solutions, practical steps, concludes new Green Ribbon Panel report

(TORONTO – October 6, 2020) – The Green Ribbon Panel released its final report today highlighting the need for strong, innovative policies in the urgent fight to combat climate change while advancing growth opportunities for an economy challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The panel was launched in February and consists of leaders from a range … Read more

Fighting climate change can be achieved while growing the economy, says new report

(TORONTO – September 10, 2020) – The Green Ribbon Panel released a new report today detailing the path forward for Ontario’s electricity system to lower consumer costs, fight climate change and grow the province’s economy post-COVID. The new report, Clean Air, Climate Change and Practical, Innovative Solutions to Lower Electricity Costs and Reduce GHG emissions … Read more